News: 8.10.10

So, last week I thought “27 Jennifers” was gonna be the project to tackle, but the prospect of working with another writer has changed that. We’re bouncing around ideas, and a contained thriller in the vein of “Panic Room” or “Phone Booth” is in the early discussion stages.

After a couple of revisions, I’m putting “The Resurrected” down for a bit so I can approach it with fresh eyes in a few weeks.

The “Bands On The Run” short has been through a couple of revisions as well. I currently have some music gear up for sale in order to finance the purchase of a fancy digital video camera.

New Project: 27 Jennifers

As I am doing some rewrites here and there on “The Resurrected,” and trimming “Bands On The Run” down to a short, I’ve also started banging out a outline on what I hope will be my next feature script, currently titled “27 Jennifers.” I’m shooting for a “(500) Days of Summer” meets “Lars & The Real Girl” indie-rom/com vibe. I’ve never written anything one would describe as ‘quirky,’ so this will probably be a first because I definitely see it heading in that direction.