Interview at The Write Way about The Black Sky

My interview at The Write Way is now up. Thanks to Lieze Neven for the opportunity! Talked about writing inspiration, process, and more.

Here's a snippet:
LN: Who is your ideal reader? 
TM: Someone who enjoys Neal Stephenson and Dan Brown. Is that impossible? I mean, I do. I want to read nine hundred pages of intricately researched and dense science-fiction, and then switch over to a short popcorn thriller. I don’t like to stay in one lane when it comes to what entertainment I consume, so maybe there are other people out there like me. Do you like a good story? Do you like twists? Adventure? Action? With some heart? But with helicopter chases? I want 2001, but I also want Die Hard. But not at the same time, that wouldn’t work (or maybe it would, who knows).

Two Word Reviews - Q1 2020

The first installment of Two Word Reviews (patent pending) for tv shows, movies, and music for 2020, covering the first quarter (January, February, and March):

Sicario - effectively brutal
The Two Popes - charming performances
Justice League - please stop
Bohemian Rhapsody - woeful accuracy
Yesterday - fun premise
Knives Out - delightful whodunit

Green Day: Father Of All... - decent single
Supergrass: The Strange Ones 1994-2008 - steady quality
Stone Temple Pilots: Perdida - better shorter
Guided By Voices - Surrender Your Poppy Field - classic jams
Ozzy Osbourne: Ordinary Man - pretty ordinary
Greg Dulli: Random Desire - dark magic
Pearl Jam: Gigaton - needed updates
Windy and Carl: Allegiance and Conviction - short bliss
Baby Chaos: Ape Confronts Cosmos - sweet riffage
The Boomtown Rats: Citizens Of Boomtown - more misses
Noel Gallagher: Blue Moon Rising EP - welcome change-up
Tricky: 20,20 - solid minimalism

Killing Eve, Season Two (Hulu) - less coherent
The Good Place, Season Four (NBC) - proper conclusion
All Or Nothing: Philadelphia Eagles (Amazon) - always insightful
The Outsider, Season One (HBO) - ominous excellence
Broad City, Season One & Two (Hulu) - manic genius
The Chef Show, Season Three (Netflix) - still delicious
Drunk History, Seasons One to Four (Hulu) - so funny